placementgroup offers "career-focussed" consulting services for organizations and their employees. Our contacts in companies are at the level of management and HR executives or company staff approaching us on their own initiative.
We provide companies with outplacement support for terminated employees and we offer various services which are utilized prior to downsizing.
We offer individual career coaching and executive coaching to private customers and to organizations.
As a rule, an outplacement project starts when a company decides to terminate one or more employees.
Optimally, it ends when the goal of the persons concerned has been achieved: a new job inside another organization or the start of his/her own company as an entrepreneur or employment in an interim position.
In-time career counseling or coaching of an employee in a stressful situation could also result in the retention of the employee and his valuable experience.
Who we serve
We work together with
company executives
medium-level management
qualified skilled staff
An essential requirement for success is acceptance of the coach by the coachee. Our clients benefit from coaching by consultants who themselves look back on executive experience of many years and/or have corresponding skills which they keep up-to-date continuously.
Types of programs
Determination of the professional objective and job-search is a personal adjustment process for our clients. Our corporate customers want to provide services that assist during these times. That creates costs for the company. On top of this, conditions in the relevant job markets are continuously changing. As professionals in this field we work out programs together with you tailored to meet the needs of your enterprise and of your employees in their current situation.
3-month-programs help achieve emotional stability and provide security, knowledge and skills to succeed in the job market.
In the course of our 6-month-programs, the group of skilled staff and medium-level executives will in most cases find a new job. Those still searching for a job will at least have conducted interviews for suitable positions with the relevant companies. If this is not the case, we submit proposals for further steps to be taken.
The Executive Program is for 12 months. This accounts for the fact that, in particular, top positions require longer "lead times" and broader planning horizons.
The quality of our work is based on the know-how of our team whose members have proven records as coaches, consultants and trainers. As a rule our clients are coached individually. If appropriate, your coach will call in further specialists (e.g. experts in labor law or well respected, knowledgeable observers of the respective branch of business).
Of course, we communicate with our clients by telephone, e-mail, and exploit Internet research resources. Our clients get on-line access to up-to-date working materials and other helpful information.
The first few sessions are mostly intensive and held in rapid succession. The initial personal interview can take up to three hours.
After the initial period, individual sessions will take place once a week or every two weeks as needed. In the course of these sessions we also provide training sequences (e.g. preparation for telephone calls or job interviews). Tasks and activities to be accomplished in between sessions serve as valuable experience which we assess and utilize efficiently.
Every outplacement consulting process is focussed according to the individual needs of the client: After people have come to grips with the loss of their jobs, we help them determine their professional objective. Once this is accomplished they create and implement a communications strategy.
Training, experience and intuition of the coach make sure that the right steps are taken at the right time.
Employees – in particular inside large companies – may have to develop a different attitude towards their present job or have to look for a new job inside the company.
If an employee is supported in this process we speak of replacement. Companies can retain valuable resources and avoid the cost of hiring, training new people etc… Employees can adapt to a changing environment, be motivated and successful again.
In such a situation outside consultants have significant advantages. Often people will talk more candidly with independent outsiders than with colleagues and superiors. The staff of your company can be sure that our coaches preserve the strictest confidence.
Our methodology:
individual job and career assessment
definition of personal strengths/weaknesses and competence profiles
development of career objectives
formulation of a marketing and communication concept to be put into practice within the company
Group programs may comprise a blend of individual interviews, surveys (360 degree feedback) and workshops.
Coaching Executive Development
Coaching provided by placementgroup promotes individual development of senior as well as junior executives. Often individual coaching is used in combination with other human resources development measures.
Coaching may help optimize personal skills and efficiency in relation to current company requirements. The aim is often to come to grips with a situation or to take a decision. In other cases, for example, we deal with changes in behavior leading to measurably better economic results. These coaching sessions are delivered by leadership consultants who have been successful for many years.
Team and Network
The basic idea is: "local business with a global reach", thus we maintain excellent local and international contacts.
The consultants of placementgroup have academic backgrounds, leadership experience in companies and/or have worked as independent coaches and trainers for many years successfully.
As clients or participants in our programs you are talking "at eye level" to business-savy and professionally experienced consultants.
Placementgroup is particularly well connected inter-nationally. We cooperate with a number of well established career firms on all five continents.
Placementgroup is also a founding member of the Austrian Association of Career Firms (ACF Austria) and at the same time a member of ACF, the worldwide “Association of Career Firms” (www.acf-europe.org).
Hans Fiedler ist currently on the board of ACP, the „Association of Career Management Professionals“ (www.acp-international.org) and „Global Ambassador“ of ICCI, the „Institute of Career Certification International“ (www.careercertification.org) a well established organization for the certification of career management professionals worldwide.
Consequently our clients profit from global networks and are supported in their management of international projects or job searches.
Here in Vienna, our clients profit from our regional network and are additionaly supported by knowledgeable experts from various industries. Lean organizational structures help customers and clients achieve their goals effectively and at optimum costs.

OI Global Partners

Association of Career Management Professionals International
Hans Fiedler ist Boardmember von ACPI, der „Association of Career Management Professionals International“

Institute of Career Certification International
Hans Fiedler ist „Global Ambassador“ von ICCI, des „Institute of Career Certification International“ einer renommierten internationalen Organisation zur Zertifizierung von Career Management Professionals.

Association of Career Firms Europe
placementgroup ist Mitglied des ACF,
der „Association of Career Firms Europe“

Österreichischer Verband internationaler Karriereberatungsfirmen
Die placementgroup ist Gründungsmitglied des Österreichischen Verbands internationaler Karriereberatungsfirmen.
Related Services
Discussions with the company reveal where the company's needs and our services meet.
Some examples:
Prior to outplacement projects, we offer consulting on how to implement planned downsizing.
During implementation of the project, training for notification meetings may be useful for (line) superiors.
We have great experience in teambuilding processes (which are very often combined with individual coachings) as well as group supervision.
We support companies with the implementation of appraisal meetings or assessment centers.